Financial problems can affect anyone, at any time. You may find yourself in a place where you are unable to manage your financial responsibilities, including paying your taxes. Illness, an injury that prevents you from working, loss of your job and many other factors...
IRS Issues
An agency’s recognition of a pandemic’s impact
An unexpected notification from the Internal Revenue Service in a mailbox brings feelings of dread for any taxpayer. They fear opening the envelope and reading what they believe to be dire news that will result in a serious bill with potential penalties. Those getting...
Possible tax concerns for nonprofit organizations
Addressing the topic of taxes may prove essential to creating an effective strategy for virtually any type of business entity. While nonprofit organizations might benefit from federal tax exemptions, there may still be a variety of steps these entities must take to...
This IRS program helps people with late and unpaid taxes
Atlanta has had a wild few years, hasn’t it? Between a global pandemic, a rollercoaster economy and job market and inflation, many of us have faced money troubles at some point during this period. Thankfully, the IRS, of all people, understands and wants to help you....
What happens if I missed a year (or more) filling my taxes?
Filing your taxes can seem like an overwhelming task. The forms are confusing, and the math can be challenging. In some cases, it can seem easier to simply not file. Often, it looks like there are no immediate consequences. However, there can be serious consequences...
IRS gives tips to avoid tax scams this holiday season
In a recent news release, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) called on taxpayers to watch out for dangerous tax scams this holiday season. The feds note that the pandemic, the holiday shopping season, and the upcoming tax season are a trifecta many tax scammers are...
Has an IRS levy caused you economic hardship?
When facing financial difficulties, it may seem as if every day there is a new obligation that you cannot meet. Even when you try to do your best to get back on track, something may come up that knocks your plan out of balance. You, and many other Georgia residents,...
Peloton facing tax litigation over sales tax
Whether a person is handling individual income tax or a major company is handling business-related taxes, it is easy to make mistakes with those matters. Unfortunately, if a company is accused of handling sales tax improperly, it could lead to serious legal issues. In...
Why should I worry about an IRS levy?
Perhaps few debts create more anxiety than a debt to the Internal Revenue Service. Owing taxes to the government can be especially troublesome since the government has more authority and fewer restrictions when it comes to collecting a debt. While your other creditors...
Stolen identity refund fraud could land taxpayers in tough spot
Though many Georgia residents hope to have their taxes taken care of as easily as possible, the only people they want filing on their behalf is a tax professional. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous parties could commit identity theft and file someone else’s tax return...