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Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Attorneys Stopping IRS Wage Garnishment / Levy

One form of collection the IRS may use to collect unpaid taxes is to garnish part of your wages. If this has happened to you or if you have received any communication from the IRS indicating that your taxes are past due, we can help. The Atlanta, Georgia, tax lawyers at Bomar Law Firm are experienced in stopping wage levies and other IRS-enforced collections.

How Does It Work?

The amount seized from your paycheck through this type of IRS levy may depend on factors such as:

  • Your income tax filing and tax collectible status (single, joint or head of household and collectible or currently not collectible)
  • The pay period included in your check (one week, two weeks or a month’s wages, for example)
  • The number of your dependents

Does The IRS Have To Notify You Before Garnishing Wages?

Before garnishing your wages, the IRS should send you notifications, including:

  • A notice and demand
  • A notice of intent to levy
  • A notice of your right to a “collection due process” hearing

If you fail to respond or resolve the demand, wage garnishment is possible. The IRS may continue garnishing your wages until:

  • You enter into an installment agreement such as IRS Fresh Start Relief, partial pay installment agreement or streamlined installment agreement.
  • You enter into a currently not collectible status.
  • You pay the full amount due.
  • You prove that the levy was in error, violated due process or violated IRS procedure.

Atlanta IRS Wage Garnishments FAQs

If the IRS has notified you that it intends to garnish your wages, you probably have a lot of questions about the process and your rights. The answers to these questions our IRS wage garnishment attorneys often receive at Bomar Law Firm.

How can I stop IRS wage garnishment?

There are several ways to halt a garnishment, including:

  • Negotiating a plan with the IRS to pay off your tax debt in installments
  • If you can show that repaying the debt would be a financial hardship, the IRS could agree to an offer in compromise that eliminates some of the bill
  • A financial hardship exemption, if you can prove that repaying even a portion of the tax debt would be a financial hardship
  • Appealing the garnishment, if you dispute that you owe unpaid income taxes
  • Declaring bankruptcy
  • Changing jobs can temporarily pause a wage garnishment, until the IRS finds out

What is the IRS wage garnishment process?

As we discuss above, the process begins with the IRS sending the taxpayer a series of three notices. After a period of time following the final notice, the garnishments begin, unless you successfully dispute the alleged tax debt or take other actions as we list above.

When does the IRS start garnishing wages?

Wage garnishment begins 30 days after you receive the final notice from the IRS.

What is the maximum amount the IRS can garnish from my paycheck?

Typically, somewhere between 25 to 30 percent of your disposable wages after deductions, but this could go higher, depending on how high your income is.

When To Contact A Lawyer

If you have received a notice threatening wage garnishment, contact a tax law attorney immediately. You have limited time available to respond before losing control of your usual income.

If your wages have already been garnished, the sooner you contact a tax attorney, the more options there will be for a favorable result. If the garnishment was in error, a skilled lawyer can help you recover the lost funds. Get a free consultation with us by calling 404-841-6561 or sending an email.