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Avoid panic after receiving a notice about your tax return

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2021 | Tax Audits

Though the beginning of a new year can usher in resolutions, ideas for change, hope and other positive aspects to life, it also marks the beginning of the tax season. Most Atlanta residents groan at the idea of gathering their tax documents and making sure their forms are in by the deadline. Unfortunately, they may find themselves groaning again if they receive a letter from the IRS regarding their tax return.

Though this type of letter can cause immediate panic, it is important not to make any hasty decisions or think worst-case scenarios. Looking at the letter when feeling calm could allow taxpayers to better understand what the problem might be. They may even feel a sense of relief when they realize that the matter is a simple one that they can easily address.

Of course, mistakes with a tax return can happen whether a person files on his or her own or uses a professional tax service. Plus, IRS agents and employees themselves can make mistakes when it comes to reviewing and checking tax returns. A slip-up on their part could still result in a taxpayer receiving a notice regarding an audit or question about a tax return.

Any time a person has concerns about their tax return or a notice from the IRS it is smart to get help. Fortunately, Atlanta residents could reach out to tax law attorneys who understand what it is like to deal with the IRS and can help pinpoint what may have led to the notice in the first place. Whether the issue is easily resolved or one that needs more in-depth attention, legal professionals could be of assistance.

