If you have been notified by the Internal Revenue Service about unpaid tax liabilities, we may be able to help you find the solution you need to settle those debts. Serving clients throughout the state of Georgia, we can suggest a variety of options including an offer in compromise in which we negotiate with the IRS to accept a partial settlement..
While this could reduce many taxpayers’ debts by hundreds of thousands of dollars, it is not available to everyone. One of our attorneys previously served with the Office of Chief Counsel of the IRS, giving us extensive knowledge of the offer in compromise program as well as other forms of tax relief that the agency may be willing to approve.
Our firm thoroughly analyzes our client’s case in determining what course to take. Sometimes, we come across errors committed during a tax audit or records that may reveal the client does not owe any taxes. In such cases, we may decide to negotiate with the IRS on behalf of the client to reduce or eliminate his or her obligation. If a client is unable to pay a tax liability, our firm may be able to work out an offer in compromise based on the fact that paying the tax in full would be unjust or would create an undue hardship on the taxpayer.
Any client whom we believe is not eligible for an offer in compromise may be able to benefit from a different solution such as innocent spouse relief, a monthly payment installment agreement or penalty abatement in which the IRS may waive the penalty or interest charges. If you have received notices from the IRS regarding past due obligations, you might benefit by visiting our page on tax relief.