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Helping clients with tax disputes

On Behalf of | Oct 17, 2014 | Tax Audits

The prospect of an audit conducted by the Internal Revenue Services can be an unnerving prospect from many Georgia residents. Sometimes, such actions may be conducted in by an official review of a taxpayer’s document, and in other cases, the service might seek to conduct the audit in person. Those who have received notice that the IRS plans to review their documents might benefit from contacting our firm.

Practicing throughout Atlanta and North Georgia, our firm represents both businesses and individuals who have become involved in tax disputes, helping our clients pursue federal and state tax relief. We have experience at every level of the process, including audits, administrative appeals and actions in the U.S. Tax Court and U.S. District Court.

Typically, when an action is taken to review a taxpayers financial documents, the audit will look for disallowed deductions. These are expenses or decision that may not have been thoroughly documented. However, while examiners for the service are trained to determine if financial wrongdoing or errors have occurred, lack of documentation may not mean that a deduction is incorrect. We might be able to help clients reconstruct tax records in an effort to substantiate deductions. Our firm also has experience in negotiating with the IRS in an effort to resolve audits in a way that is beneficial for our clients.

Providing the necessary information for an audit and defending against possible legal action from the IRS can be complicated endeavors, but our firm may be able to provide clients with assistance. Those who are interested in learning about the services we provide might consider viewing our website.

Source: Bomar Law Firm, “Audit Defense“, October 17, 2014

