With tax season just around the corner, you might be wondering if you might be a target for an IRS audit next year. Even if you are confident that you paid your personal and business income taxes correctly, an audit can be very time-consuming and stressful. It's...
Year: 2023
Addressing the options when facing a tax levy
While falling behind on tax obligations can be stressful enough as is, those who face similar issues may also have concerns about the repercussions they might face if they struggle to catch up on payments. Outstanding tax debts could trigger a variety of challenges,...
Taking steps to reduce the risks of tax ID theft
Identity theft is a type of issue that affects the lives of many individuals and those who encounter such issues could face various hardships in life. Those who steal another party’s identity could use this information to carry out numerous types of unlawful acts,...
Are issues with tax debts more common among certain age groups?
While most individuals may wish to take every possible measure to stave off issues with back taxes, things might not always prove so simple. There may be a variety of scenarios in which individuals in Georgia might encounter similar trials, regardless of age. However,...
Can debt forgiveness lead to issues with tax debts?
Preparing to seek relief from debt concerns can be a stressful process and there may be a variety of options to consider prior to choosing a path forward. While obtaining relief via debt forgiveness or cancellation can take a significant weight off one’s shoulders,...
A proper response to notice of an audit
It can be incredibly intimidating to receive notice that the Internal Revenue Service will be taking a closer look at your tax return. The word “audit” is frightening, especially for those who are unaware of what to expect from this process and unsure of how to...
Reducing the chances of a business tax audit
Many business owners may feel that addressing the topic of taxes can be one of the most complex aspects of managing company affairs. Even with an effective tax strategy in place, business owners in Georgia may still wonder when the day will come in which their...
Qualifying for currently not collectible status
While facing high tax obligations can be harrowing under any scenario, there may be some instances in which similar trials could place a significant burden on one’s life. Individuals in Georgia who struggle under the weight of significant tax debt burdens may have...
Are tax debts eligible for discharge via bankruptcy?
There may be many scenarios in which tax obligations might prove significantly higher than expected and facing similar forms of debt can be a harrowing experience. Individuals in Georgia who encounter issues with overdue tax debts and worry that they will struggle to...
Factors to address when facing tax debts as a business owner
While paying taxes is a responsibility all business owners might face, there may be some situations in which tax bills could end up being much higher than one expects. Small business owners who receive notices of high tax bills may have concerns about whether they...